Friday, November 11, 2011

Hudson’s Birth Story…Part 1

Okay so I really wanted to get this written down before I forgot it all, however with a brand new baby and family being in town I haven’t gotten to actually think about writing it till now. So here it goes..

I realize the last two weeks I wasn’t very good about posting updates but mostly because nothing really happened and I was in denial that I would go till the 40 week mark. When I went for my 38 week appointment I was 80% effaced and my cervix was closed. At my 39 week appointment I was dilated 1cm (he didn’t say anything about how effaced I was). However, at that appointment the doc said he wouldn’t be surprised if I had him that week. I seriously did everything I could to speed along the process. All which included running 3 miles, bouncing on the exercise ball for hours, eating spicy food, walking 30 miles a week and trying to relax since everyone kept saying that the more I worry about it the more it would delay him coming.

My mom was getting in the Thursday before my due date and so once she arrived I was convinced that he would come any day. Each day that went by was torture (this kid is a serious mover and never left my ribs)! Originally the doctor had told me that he wouldn’t induce me till a week after the due date and by the time my 40 week appointment came I really couldn’t imagine being pregnant for another week. My appointment was on Wednesday November 2nd and my due date was the next day. I had been really crampy and tired the day before the appointment (Tuesday) and the day of the appointment I woke up really sick. I had lost my mucus plug earlier that week but I continued to lose more each day. For my last two appointments the doc had scraped my membranes so I was really hoping all the sickness was a sign that labor was soon to come.

When we got to the doctor I was sure he was going to say I was 3cm dilated or something and ready to have this baby. Instead he said I was maybe a 1 1/2 and was about 90% effaced. At that point I begged him to induce me asap. Since my cervix was soft enough he agreed that I would be okay to be induced and we scheduled it for the next morning (thursday) at 5:30am. I was really relieved and a little in shock that no matter what Hudson was coming the next day. My mom was with me for the appointment and after we ran errands and met the hubs for lunch. I was really not feeling good and after I threw up in the parking lot I was convinced that I had caught the flu or something and I was concerned that they wouldn’t let me be induced if I was sick.

Even though I wasn’t feeling great we got everything ready for the next morning, took the charles to a friends house and went to bed early. I got up around 12:30 and threw up one more time and as I was returning to bed I prayed for God to confirm that we were doing the right thing. I so wanted to meet the little guy but I also didn’t want to rush it or make it harder for him or me by being induced. I drifted back asleep and was awoken at about 1:15 to my water breaking. At first I wasn’t sure it was that but I got up and ran to the bathroom and more came out and confirmed that it was my water and not pee. At that point I was super excited and a little freaked. I woke the hubs up and let my mom know what was going on. I was so glad we had already dropped the Charles off so we didn’t have to worry about what to do with him.

I knew it would be a while before I got a shower so I took a quick one and put on makeup (don’t judge). I also got some food to eat on the way since I knew I wouldn’t get to eat for a while.

DSC_0400 One final belly shot

DSC_0403 The hubs was joking with me that if we didn’t hurry he would have to catch the little man :)

By the time we left for the hospital the contractions had started and they were about 5 minutes apart. I could tell right away that it was back labor since the pain was mostly in my back and the lower part of my abdomen. Once we arrived at the hospital they took me back to confirm that my water had broke and start getting me set up. The nurse said that it hadn’t completely broken but they had to wait till the doctor came to break the rest (since they weren’t allowed to break it). They also wanted to speed up contractions so they started me on petocin.

stay tuned for part 2..


  1. Ashley, I am just SOOO happy for you. I remember reading your blog before you were pregnant and how supportive you were for me when we went thru IVF, and you are a Mommy!! :) I loved reading and can't wait to read the rest.

  2. Haha...I think it's awesome that Hudson bet the doctor and was like 'I'll break my own water doc' :)

  3. Love reading part I even though I cheated and just read part II lol. Sorry you had to deal with throwing up and labor! You poor thing. But at least sweet Hudson was there and everything was worth it of course!
