Friday, March 4, 2011

Off to Washington DC..

Even though I am not the most consistent with my blogging frequency I thought I would give you all fair warning that I will be absent for the next 10 days. Why’s that?? Well glad you asked …we are heading off to Washington DC today!!

Being married to a military man means living away from family and therefore means turning every vacation into a family visit as well. Which we totally love! This time we decided to celebrate our 4 year anniversary along with a mini family reunion. We totally can’t wait! Here is a breakdown of the trip:

Arrive and spend the first few days celebrating our anniversary at the Ritz Carlton..yippy!

Then spending some time with my wonderful in-laws.

Then we head down to NJ for a night so that I can renew my divers license (since I refuse to take the written test to get one in Utah) and more importantly get to see my best friend and her new little guy!

Then we head back to DC and spend more time with our family which includes the arrival of my SIL and BIL :)

It promises to be a great time of eating, relaxing, shopping, and family time!

I will be back don’t fret :)

Well now I am off to enjoy my week of vacation!


  1. That sounds fun! I vacationed in DC a couple of years ago and LOVED it! It's especially fun when you get to add friends and family to the mix!

  2. hi love i hope you had an amazing trip - can't wait to hear all about it and hang out with you again! xo!
