Saturday, January 23, 2010

I’m alive and writing from the other side of the Country :)

Ok y’all I am backkkk and I have missed each and every one of you crazy bloggers! I actually wonder if anyone is reading this little blog anymore since I think I just won the award for least dedicated blogger for the end of 2009! So first to my fellow readers/bloggers, you loyal ones that still check my blog and see the same post over and over again, all you who have nudged me back into this world that i love but so easily leave…I am offering a Humongous thank you and i vow right here and now that I am back in the blogosphere in full force and I will try my hardest not to let this happen again.

Now moving on :) Oh but I am also so excited to read what has been going on with everyone else as well. When i said i had been absent from this world I really meant it, I have not even looked at my blog for about a month and a half (gasp)…I know, I know and I am truly ashamed!

So without further is a little recap of all that has been going on and why I have been so absent..

I know that I had mentioned before that in Mid-November we got word that the Hubbs was being deployed in mid-December. This of course happened during the crucial part of our first cycle in our fertility treatments (I will expand on that more later) and since we never do anything normal we decided that in an effort to save some big bucks we were going to move out of our house and into storage and I was moving to Bako CA to stay with my parents while the Hubbs was gone. Oh and if you have a hard time doing math like me, we had about a month to get all this done and all our affairs in order before he left!

Some how we managed to get everything done and the Hubbs left a few weeks before Christmas (boo)! My wonderful Daddy flew out to the East Coast and together (with the Charles in tow) we drove cross country to bako in three very very long days!! I don’t know if you have ever driven for that long in a car with a yellow lab that has gas…not the most enjoyable! But everyone was a champ and we made it to Cali safe and sound!

The holidays flew by and I had such a wonderful time with friends and family although i missed the Hubbs so so much.

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I knew that in order to keep my sanity and help the time go by fast I had to have things to work towards and look forward to. Which leads me into my newest (well not actually new but newly mega obsessed) past time…RUNNING :) Right before the Hubbs left he had gotten me a book about running for Women and boy did that feed the small obsession I had before. Since being out in bako I have decided to run in two different 1/2 marathons and the Hubbs and i are training for the San Francisco Marathon in July! It has been really good to have to the time to really get into the training (although i now revolve the rest of my life around my running) so don’t be surprised if I have several posts dedicated to this new today I was totally excited to run 14 miles which is the farthest that I have ever ran before!

Oh and I also are so stoked (yes my cali language is coming back full force) that my good friend and someone I adore is going to be running with me in the Paso Robles 1/2 marathon in March! I am so proud of her and so excited to run alongside her!

I have also been working while i am out here (more stories from that later too) so I am really keeping busy.

The Charles is loving the warm weather and huge backyard that my parents have so graciously allowed him to take over (really folks…their woodpile is now his toy box as my mom says)! Believe me there will be plenty of stories to come on the new adventures/trouble of the Charles :)

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I can’t wait to get fully into the swing of things and I will do my best to be a better blogger and keep everyone updated/entertained my the wako dog and my crazy life! Oh and for those of you wondering about the fertility stuff…unfortunately we did not get pregnant the first cycle and then since the Hubbs is gone (and he is a crucial part of the process) we are putting everything on hold until he gets back. I am not going to lie, I was very disappointed at first, but we had prayed a lot about it and I know that it will happen in God’s timing. We had actually had a false positive for about a day and that helped me see how much i want the Hubbs to be here for the whole process!

Thanks again everyone for not shunning me after my horrible bloggy behavior :)


  1. Glad you are back!

  2. Hi Ashley, so glad you are back hon! Sounds like you have been through so much - glad you got moved and settled in and that you enjoyed the holidays. Also, glad the Charles is doing well and staying out of trouble, lol. I am sure God has a fabulous plan for you in regards to having a baby in the future and it is going to be so exciting!

    So proud of you for all of your running efforts - I too have been running a lot but due to these storms I had to wait the past week. I have a 1/2 marathon in about 12 days and it is going to come up quickly! If you ever have a 1/2 marathon in Southern CA let me know, I would love to run with you! Can't wait to hear how your future runs go.

    Hope you have an amazing weekend and so proud of you for being storm while your hubby is away. Thanks again for your sweet advice a bit about about my Big Kiddo. We are doing so much better now and enjoying one another's company a lot. :)

    Whew, that was long. Glad you are back! XO!

  3. Oh, I'm so glad you are back. I was just wondering about you the other day and was so excited to see your post pop up in my reader. I'm glad you are having fun in good ole Bako - when does the hubbs get back?

  4. Oops, meant to say *strong while your hubby is away. Happy weekend!

  5. Yay! You're back! Missed you!

    Glad to catch up on your life.

    Sorry about the baby news:( Trust me, I'm right there with you in the same thing. Let me know if you need an ear to talk:)

  6. So glad you are back. Whew...that's a lot of info! Thanks for filling us in! Looking forward to hearing more details of what is going on with you.

  7. So glad you are back. Sorry about all the changes-it's hard to change. God will bless you and your husband in His time, stay faithful. I'm glad you've found a hobby that gets your mind off of things and is good for you! Way to go!

  8. Welcome back girl!
    Can't wait to hear more stories from you again! :)
