How far along? 22 Weeks
Baby's size? Hudson is the size of a papaya :)
Weight Gain? Well I finally faced the scale after being out of town and I have gained about 2 pounds in the last two weeks for a total of 14ish pounds…holy cow this better slow down!
Maternity clothes? Totally, although I have been finding some cute dresses that are non-maternity and work really well. I am still on the search for more shirts (maternity or non).
Stretch marks? none yet
Belly button in or out? It is starting to get a little shallow but no where near out.
Sleep? Not fun. My hips are getting really sore from having to only lay on my sides.
Foods I am loving? Grapes, watermelon, steak and I have been obsessed with the Japanese place in the mall..veggies and rice yum! And again, the sugar tooth is in full swing. I am really trying hard not give in (especially with this most resent weight gain). It usually ends up where I do give in and then get mad at myself after…oh well.
Foods I am hating? Nothing really.
Best moment this week? Having the Hubs return from his 3 week trip and be so surprised at how much Hudson (meaning me) have grown.
Movement? It is still pretty inconsistent but I am feeling him move and kick.
Symptoms? About two days ago I started getting acid reflux and my back hurts if I stand for too long. I have noticed that with this extra weight my legs and ankles get tired easier when I run, but that isn’t stopping until it absolutely has too (the running).
Gender? Hudson (a boy)
What I miss? Laying/sleeping on my back. Diet coke and coffee (though I do have the occasional one). My old body. Enough said.
What I'm looking forward to? Feeling Hudson kicking more and having the Hubs be able to feel him too.
Milestone: We bought the paint for Hudson’s room and I finished some of the pictures for the walls (don’t worry I will give a picture tour when it’s done). We are getting semi-closer to having the nursery done :)
Emotions: I am feeling pretty good. I am starting to feel more “pregnant” which is nice. I think it is more noticeable now and I don’t just look big. I really just can’t wait till He gets here. It still feels like forever but the last 5 months have gone pretty quick and I know it’s only going to speed up. I got spray tanned for a wedding I went to last week and it really helped me feel better. I know that may sound vain but since I have no say in the expanding body part at least I can be tan :) The hubs said I can go more often which really lifts my mood! I have also started taking some different fitness classes at the gym and that has helped my mood too. They are a good workout and a lot of fun and since it is getting hotter it is nice to workout in doors.